I legit got more done this week than for the entirety of October

This week (or should I say the last few days since I had a four day weekend and didn't really work much on the game over the week) I made two levels (the one with the tower isn't really a level since it's just there to get the player pumped for the boss fight of Part 1 but whatever). I also fixed a few gameplay breaking bugs including one that made the dash attack not work half the time. Most of all though, I added a punching bag. Fuuuuuck yeah!

As for how I got so much done in only a few days, I started actually taking breaks as I work on the game. For whatever reason it never occurred to me that breaks are something that you literally have to take in order to be productive. As a result I'd work for only an hour and a half and already be super burnt out. So I decided to start doing 45 minute work sessions and 15 minute breaks and as a result I have become exponentially more productive. A bug that would have taken me days to fix only takes me twenty minutes now and I can work for four hours no problem (including breaks). I knew I'd become more productive but honestly I didn't think it would be this ridiculous. This all makes me very excited for the future as I'll be getting more done than ever before. I can safely say the game will be done sometime Summer next year (but even then that's a pretty pessimistic guess).

Edit: Well, I'm a fucking idiot. I accidentally let my music on in the background in two of the videos so I had to take them down. I might rerecord those levels without the music but for now you only get to see Jonar dabbing on a fucking dabbing bag.

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